Monday, June 30, 2014

Cosmic Encounter is Dead. Long Live Cosmic Encounter!

I finally broke out my ancient and well played Cosmic game.  These are two of my boys and friends.  They played all weekend, preferring it to the likes of GTA5, Octodad and Minecraft.  This particular copy, an Eon original, has probably been played well over a 1,000 times by all of my comrades.  Many, many Glorious Victories distilled from crushed opponents thrown to the Warp.  Post a comment if you have played.  As far as C-N-C updates, a Mod is in the works to start off those "lazy" CL's.  Week or so I expect.  I'll put up some fluff in the meantime to placate the masses (all 3 by my count).


  1. There is no part of galactic domination that isn't fun. The human sponge, the green glass playing pieces, being worshipped by your crushed enemies. What's not to like?, I highly recommend this game.
    -The Filth

  2. Hold on, are you reading the Filths mind?
